PwC Career Pathway

Khadija, Management Consulting Apprentice
Introduce yourself, your background and what team you’re in now
Hi my name is Khadija and I am a first year Management Consulting Apprentice at PwC. I’m currently working in the Financial Services Activation Hub team on my first six month rotation, supporting the progress of projects running in the FS sector and potential projects in the pipeline.
What programme did you join and how did you find out about it?
I joined the Junior Management Consulting Level 4 Apprenticeship/School and College Leavers programme in September 2023 after completing the New World, New Skills (NwNs) summer work experience programme (an Access Accountancy qualifying programme). It was on this programme that I learnt about PwC’s School and College Leaver opportunities. I then subscribed to email notifications on PwC’s early careers page to ensure I didn’t miss the application window. Once applications were open, I read about each role carefully, thinking about what most aligned with my aspirations and interests. After careful consideration and research into the role, the company and its values, I knew I wanted to become a management consultant. Connecting with people on LinkedIn in the same role meant I could ask them questions and ask for any tips/advice that they were able to offer.
What was your biggest takeaway from work experience and how did it shape your decision for your career path?
It’s important to note that whilst applying for university I had no idea what I was going to do in the future, including pursuing an apprenticeship. Apprenticeships were not advertised as much as university was at my school, and so, I received no help with my apprenticeship application in comparison to my university one. Whereas ‘extracurriculars’ were recommended to help aid my university personal statement. Hence, why I went on to complete the NwNs work experience. It was through this work experience that I realised that there were more career options out there than just going to university. After some research I decided to apply to both university and apprenticeships. Having received offers from both, I focused on my A-Levels and then thought about my options carefully on results day before making a decision on whether to go to university or do an apprenticeship. Till this day, I have no regrets whatsoever on choosing to pursue an apprenticeship.
Two of the biggest takeaways I gained from the NwNs work experience was that seeking opportunities and developing your skills is key for your future, whether it’s going to university or doing an apprenticeship. Doing work experience showed me I could further enhance my skills and explore many opportunities. Although I did also apply to university, I felt doing an apprenticeship would give me a head start in my career and allow me to continue to build valuable connections.
How have you found joining the apprenticeship programme, juggling studying and working?
Being able to apply my learning directly to my role is so rewarding, not to mention the amount of support I have received since joining the firm. It’s always a nice feeling to know that I can speak to my manager and career coach if something is bothering me and they’re there to support me, whether it is about my role or even my wellbeing. At times it can sometimes be tough with exams, but I do get study leave beforehand and I can always ask my tutors for help and even my PwC colleagues for extra support, making it less stressful.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of doing work experience at a large organisation?
Honestly, just go for it. You may think it will be daunting, but you’ll never know where the opportunity will take you unless you do it. It has personally been one of the best experiences of my life. It’s allowed me to build on my skills like networking and teamwork, whilst also boosting my confidence in public speaking.
Furthermore, I believe that the work experience definitely helped me in submitting a successful application thanks to the skills I gained. So, if you do ever think of doing work experience at a large organisation I would highly suggest just going for it – the immense opportunities and skills it provides you with are beyond what I ever expected.